Steamy Twitzease #twinuendo Sees Romance Everywhere

Steamy Twitzease #twinuendo Sees Romance Everywhere

A swooning spokesperson for the Center for Twitzease Control clutched a bouquet of flowers from a secret admirer and announced that a Twitzease known as #twinuendo was spreading through the Twittersphere. “It’s like Valentine’s Day meets Fourth of July, only more mysterious,” s/he stated.

Symptoms: Tweets are retweeted (with the TZT tag) with their contents mutated to imply primal amorous attraction
Retweet Tag: TZT
Hashtags: #twinuendo #ctwitcz

  • @exemplarycatadorer Kitty has discovered yarn. Such hilarity! Such hi-jinks!
  • TZT @exemplarycatadorer Kitty has fallen for yarn. Loving glances. Soft caresses. Hi-jinks. #twinuendo #ctwitzc

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