
Mark Marino and Rob Wittig are both devotees of an emergent art form we call netprov.

Rob and Mark wrote an article about netprov here . . .

. . . and Rob even did a Master’s Thesis at the University of Bergen, Norway on netprov.

Basic Definition and Characteristics of Netprov

Netprov is networked improv narrative.

Netprov creates stories that are networked, collaborative and improvised in real time.

Netprov uses multiple media simultaneously.

Netprov is collaborative and incorporates participatory contributions from readers.

Netprov is experienced as a performance as it is published; it is read later as a literary archive.

During the performance, netprov projects incorporate breaking news.

Netprov projects use actors to physically enact characters in images, videos and live performance.

Some writer/actors portray the characters they create.

Netprov is usually parodic and satirical.

Some netprov projects require writer/actors and readers to travel to certain locations to seek information, perform actions, and report their activities.

Netprov is designed for episodic and incomplete reading.

A Netprov Translation Table
Explaining Netprov to Folks from Different Backgrounds

To people from the Land of Literature, you say: “Netprov is a creative game played in digital media that produces a literary text.”

To people from the Land of Design, you say: “Netprov uses vernacular design in multiple media to create fake people and have them tell their stories.”

To people from the Land of Games, you say: “Netprov is an Alternate Reality Game where we use tricks from literature to make the writing as good as possible.”

To people from the Land of Theater, you say: “Netprov is a formula for doing live performance in digital media.”

To people from the Land of TV/Film, you say: “Netprov creates an episodic show using transmedia techniques.”

To people from the Land of Digital Art, you say: “Netprov creates narratives in digital media.”

To people from the Land of Internet Commerce, you say: “Netprov uses networked media to play collaborative collaborative storytelling games.”