
Invitation tá la poéstry pfor 27 septembere 2013 écriver/write sur.on this.cette theme: Encounter with the monster / Rencontre avec le monstre Play in Twitter – Sept 23-27, 2013 1) Live tweet poéstry using the hashtag #poestry 2) Donate your poéstry to the medieval champion of your choice by adding the hashtag #jaq (Jaquilin), #rog (Roger), #phi (Philippa), #guy (Guy) if you so desire learn about the 4 champions here And/Or/Et/Ou: donné(te) poestry in “comments” section dof cet(this)e page qu’est qu(what)e ist poéstry?...

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Invitation tá la poéstry pfor 26 septembere 2013 écriver/write sur.on this.cette theme: SeRendez-vous dans la forêt / Rendez-vous in the forest Play in Twitter – Sept 23-27, 2013 1) Live tweet poéstry using the hashtag #poestry 2) Donate your poéstry to the medieval champion of your choice by adding the hashtag #jaq (Jaquilin), #rog (Roger), #phi (Philippa), #guy (Guy) if you so desire learn about the 4 champions here And/Or/Et/Ou: donné(te) poestry in “comments” section dof cet(this)e page qu’est qu(what)e ist poéstry?...

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Invitation tá la poéstry pfor 25 septembere 2013 écriver/write sur.on this.cette theme: Retour de Damas / Return from Damascus Play in Twitter – Sept 23-27, 2013 1) Live tweet poéstry using the hashtag #poestry 2) Donate your poéstry to the medieval champion of your choice by adding the hashtag #jaq (Jaquilin), #rog (Roger), #phi (Philippa), #guy (Guy) if you so desire learn about the 4 champions here And/Or/Et/Ou: donné(te) poestry in “comments” section dof cet(this)e page qu’est qu(what)e ist poéstry?...

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Invitation tá la poéstry pfor 24 septembere 2013 écriver/write sur.on this.cette theme: Se vanter de son competence à écrire de la poéstry / Brag about your poéstry-writing abilities Play in Twitter – Sept 23-27, 2013 1) Live tweet poéstry using the hashtag #poestry 2) Donate your poéstry to the medieval champion of your choice by adding the hashtag #jaq (Jaquilin), #rog (Roger), #phi (Philippa), #guy (Guy) if you so desire learn about the 4 champions here And/Or/Et/Ou: donné(te) poestry in “comments” section dof cet(this)e page qu’est qu(what)e ist poéstry?...

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Invitation tá la poéstry pfor 23 septembere 2013 écriver/write sur.on this.cette theme: Aimer de loin / Love from afar Play in Twitter – Sept 23-27, 2013 1) Live tweet poéstry using the hashtag #poestry 2) Donate your poéstry to the medieval champion of your choice by adding the hashtag #jaq (Jaquilin), #rog (Roger), #phi (Philippa), #guy (Guy) if you so desire learn about the 4 champions here And/Or/Et/Ou:  donné(te) poestry in “comments” section dof cet(this)e page qu’est qu(what)e ist poéstry?...

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