Join us in a great new word game
designed to tlickle and delicght your bilingual brain!
The challenge?
Compose petite poèmes comprehensible completely both en Français and English!
C’it’s simple!
Voilà an example.
Fool(lement) Desire
J desire tU.
J desire tU enormusmly-ment!
Qu(when)and tU r en NY, & J en Paris . . . depressive = J
J fool(lement) desire tU . . . J (be)comme Mr. Bean.
C’it’s a game.jeu.
C’it’s litérature.
C’it’s . . . Poéstry!
The Rules?
Compose in couplets.distichs.
(Rimes not necessairey.)
Apart(ça) from that, all.tout’s acceptable: cognates, symboles, numb3rs, proper names proprem, etc.
Mutuallmently intelligible neologismes sont.are grandly encouragayed.
Orthographye & grammaire traditionel be.soit damnayed!
The poèmes will communiquate(ront) any moyeans necessaire!
C’it’s experimentale!
C’it’s seulement pfor amusement only!
How to Play
Tweet your poéstry to the hashtag #poestry. We’ll be watching!
Watch for The Tournament of la Poéstry project in conjunction with Chercher le texte,the conference of the Electronic Literature Organization in Paris, September 23–27, 2103.
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